Soewn Earth at the Tasmanian Craft Fair
29th Oct to 1st Nov 2010
Stall 426 Venue 4 Hoecker
Located at the High School
The brochure has arrived with my name in it, so it is really official now, and I have 3 exhibitor passes so I must be going. The mountain in the loungeroom grows ever larger and I am entirely sick of buttons already. Esp as I will be working both afternoons this weekend. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because these little suckers have to be fired. So they have to be all ready to go by tuesday afternoon. Then they will be fired on wednesday and I will get them back all nice a nd prisitne and white on friday afternoon. So next weekend I will be working again putting them in tins and setting them on fire so I get those beautiful (hopefully) markings. Course making buttons isn't all I am doing, I am dyeing up heaps of silk and wool scarves, handstitching some wool vests, making fabulous new cards and putting together some dolly button kits. Lets hope I will have enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No I still haven't figured out how to put photos on again.
Soon my pretties, soon.