The Earth Reliant Artist

Trace Willans All Natural Mixed Media

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The State of the Studio

The studio has descended into chaos
as i sort out what I can take to QLD
with me

We leave next friday
1 week to go

x te


Velma Bolyard said...

NEXT friday??? wowza, trace, hang in there.

Jo Murray said...

My least favourite job....good luck.

Mo Crow said...

Hi Trace, look after yourselves, remember to breathe, have at least two people moving the heavy things and don't twist when you lift!

Kim Schoenberger said...

all the best with your move, oh the joy of excitement of new adventures that lie ahead! Welcome to Qld...

Regina Piroska (Gina) said...

wishing you much joy in your new life and enjoy the process ! good luck with it all >>> Gina