Went down to Hobart for the weekend. Stopped in at MONA for a look about and I have to say it was only alright. It was intersting but nothing really grabbed me.
Then on to our hotel, we had booked a WOTIF red hot deal and I think we got a bit burnt. We stayed at the Leisure Inn Hobart Macquarie and frankly the place looks like a large toilet block, and then upon going to reception we are told that they don't have any parking available so we would have to go find a parking metre till after 6 when their overflow parking became available. Ok we wanted to go fo a bit of a drive anyway. So off we trot to our lovely room? well shock number two, inside we find 2 beds, not the Queens size we were expecting, read the fine print, subject to availability, but for a measly $40 per night we could upgrade.Sounds like a rort to me. The twin beds would have been fine we could just push them together but no, inbetween them was a huge concrete pillar, but never fear we completly rearranged the room and found away even if one bed was jammed against the pillar and one against the window. Then we had issues with getting the heater happening and it was cold down there, and then sunday morning when we were booked in for the Hot Buffet Breakfast, which according to the menu looked really good, but when you get there you could choose from the semi congealed bacon and eggs in the bain marie or the cereal, neither terribly appealing to a gluten restricted vegetarian, who loves GOOD food. And that was my Mothers Day Breakfast. And of course the real kicker is the complete indifference of the staff, yeh yeh whatever. Thanks for nothing Leisure INN Hobart Macquarie and WOTIF.

On a brighter note Saturday was the Barn Market, which while not particularly lucrative for me is a lovely market.
Much enhanced by a suprise visit from this lovely young man, my son Jeremy who flew over from Perth to spend some time with Mum on Mothers Day. You could of knocked me over with a feather when as we were unloading the car for the market a deep voice enquired if he could be of some assistance and when I turned there was the least expected person. Such fun. This is on top of Mt Wellington after the market. It was seriously cold 5 degrees C I believe. And he took us both out to dinner Saturday night. Thanks Jez and Cat.
Then on Sunday we popped down to Kingston where I taught a Natural Painting workshop to 8 lovely women from Stitching and Beyond. We had a great time.
What more can you ask from a Mothers Day? A fun day of painting with great women and I got paid, and a bonus visit. Life is good.
Noiw back to work. Any one who is intrigued by the above pictures and lives in Melbourne and is interested in a more sustainable way of making art, pop on over to
Open Drawer and book in for my workshop on friday, where I get to play all over again.