I am making small plaster books
Mostly because it is fun
But also to use up some of my stuff
and there is the possibility of a pop up
in the near future
I have a dwindling collection
of what I call matt board
It is wastage from a framers
I have had it more than 15 years
I cut it into ~10 x 10cm squares
and join them with strips of cloth
glued with rabbit skin glue
These are then wrapped
in plaster bandage
and then I gesso
with rabbitskin glue and whiting gesso
several times
for a beautiful finish
but still with a little texture
and then it occurred to me
what if I just skipped the plaster step
and just glued
an open weave cotton fabric
to the matt board?
and then gessoed that
We shall see
and next I shall paint
and maybe add some found words
x te