The Earth Reliant Artist

Trace Willans All Natural Mixed Media

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Tomorrow morning I will be popping down to the post office to send some of my lovely buttons to Sweden!!!! How exciting is that? This is my first sale to Europe and just to think of my buttons all the way over there is well frankly unbelievable. I wonder what they will be doing. Will they send photos? Let me know how they are getting on? Will they be happy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I think they are going to be very happy cause they will have lots of friends. I simply love buttons - almost all kinds! Come summer holidays I hope to find the time to card and spin some lovely brown oussant fleece I got from the UK. Looks like some of the buttons could be a perfect match - we'll see :)

A pic of the Oussant fleece:

/ Kristina